
Tidymodels notes

Notes on tidymodels

Predicting coffee cupping scores

Revisiting the coffee dataset

Learn Git

Git - what every one working with data science should know

Efficient coding

Efficiency is getting more output for less work input

Summary for Python Codes

Compilation of notes for coding with python

Chocolate Ratings

Dark Chocolate ratings dataset from TidyTuesday

2022: A new beginning

Goals for 2022

Applied predictive modelling book - Chap 6: Linear regression

Tidymodels workflow

Support Vector Machine with Palmer Penguins

Tidymodels workflow

Bias-Variance Tradeoff

Notes on preprocessing

Summary for Modelling

Pointers for different ML models

Captive Africans Dataset

Missing data imputation - Following Julia Silge's worked example

AMDIS Annotated Chromatogram

Annnotating GCMS peaks with AMDIS output

Pima Indians Diabetes Dataset

Predicting whether a patient has diabetes

Palmer Penguins

Predicting Sex of Palmer Penguins

Weekly Stock Market Data (ISLR2)

Predicting whether stock moves Up or Down

Text mining from pdf files with Tesseract and pdftools

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for copying text from pdf files

Retrieving chemical information from the web

Webchem: a very useful package!

Tidy Tuesday Bird Bath Data

Practicing predicting with logistic regression for bird bath observation

The Stock Market Data (ISLR2)

Predicting whether stock moves Up or Down

Easy plots with ggplot2

Using curly curly brackets in functions (tidyeval)

Plot a GC-FID Chromatogram

Using ggplot for GCFID chromagram visualization

Annotating GCMS chromatograms

Using ggplot for GCMS chromagrams visualization

Research and Development Expenditure by Area of Research in Singapore

Exporting data out from Singapore Department of Statistics

ISLR03 - Linear Regression

An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in R, Chapter 2

ISLR02 - Statistical Learning/ Exploratory Data Analysis

An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications in R, Chapter 2

ANOVA to compare sample means

Using ANOVA to compare GI for different noodles

High Dimension Data

EdX Course

Multiple ANOVA in R

What if I have many variables to compare?

Tidy Tuesday Series

20190614 - Ramen Ratings Data

Multiple t-test in R

What if I have many variables to compare?

Tidy Tuesday Series

2018 Week 33 - Malaria Data

Tidy Tuesday Series

2018 Week 32 - US Wind Farm Locations

Tidy Tuesday Series

2018 Week 29 - College Major

Tidy Tuesday Series

2018 Week 30 - Horro Movies

Practice questions

Practice questions for R Studio Exams

Iteration with purrr

R4DS 17 - purrr

Packages I use and books I read

The packages I use often and useful reference books


R4DS 16 - Vectors


The package to download all cheatsheets


R4DS 15 - Functions

Date and Time in R

R4DS 13 - Lubridate

Tidy Data

R4DS 09 - Tidy Data with tidyr

Relational Data

R4DS 09 - Relational Data with dplyr

Data Import

R4DS 08 - Data Import with readr


R4DS 07 - Tibbles with tibbles

Exploratory Data Analysis

R4DS 05 - Exploratory Data Analysis

Data transformation

R4DS 03 - Data transformation with dplyr

Design of Experiment - Full Factorial

2ˆk Factorial Design - Another Example

Design of Experiment - Full Factorial

2ˆk Factorial Design - Which factors matter?

Analytical Chemistry - Comparing Mean, Variance and Detecting Outliers

Using Statistical Tests in Analytical Chemistry

Meat NIR data

PLS regression on Meat NIR data

Notes - Resampling

Types of resampling techniqes and considerations on which to choose

Tidy Models - Regression

Predicting numerical outcomes using partial least squares on gasoline dataset

Tidy Models - Regression

Predicting numerical outcomes using linear regression and random forest

Color Analysis in Juices

Using R for color calculations and data visualization

Comparison of volatiles in Durians

Data visualization for volatiles in different durian varieties

Tidy Tuesday on Coffee Ratings Dataset

Exploratory Data Analysis on Coffee Ratings

Clustering Analysis on Wine Dataset

A continuation from PCA analysis of wine dataset: k-means clustering and hierarchical clustering

Volatile Compounds in Tomato and Tomato Products

Scraping information from journal article

PCA Wine

PCA (using tidymodels) with wine dataset

Statistical Concepts

Definition of terms

Kovats Index

R script for calculating Kovats Index

Calibration Curves Data

R script for calculating Limit of Detection and Limit of Quantification


why R?

My first post: Learning goals for 2021

pRactice corner for coding in R

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